Tuesday 28 August 2012

wie man Fettnäpfchen bei der Planung der Hochzeitsfeier vermeidet

Haar bei Mnchen, Mrz 2012. Die Hochzeit(günstige brautmode 2012) soll der schnste Tag im Leben zweier Menschen sein. Dabei sollte natrlich nichts schief gehen. Die Hochzeitsexperten von weddix.de haben beispielhaft amsante Anekdoten rund um die Hochzeit ausgesucht, die die typischen Fettnpfchen bei der Vorbereitung einer Traumhochzeit zeigen. Es gilt nun typische Hochzeitsfallen ganz souvern zu umschiffen, damit der groe Tag einfach perfekt wird und das Brautpaar sicher im Hafen der Ehe landen kann.

Die Einladung
Gabi und Peter haben sich entschlossen zu heiraten und freuen sich schon riesig auf den "schnsten Tag" ihres Lebens.
Eine Gsteliste haben sie nicht gemacht - die Einladungskarten verschicken sie auch erst 2 Wochen vor der Feier, da fr sie sowieso schon klar ist, wer erscheinen wird.
In der Karte erfahren die Gste zwar, wann und wo die Trauung und die Feier stattfinden - dass Gabi und Peter aber eine Mottohochzeit und einen schnen Nachtspaziergang mit Fackeln planen, bleibt eine berraschung. Nun kann das Chaos beginnen!
Leider wusste natrlich nicht jeder, wann die Hochzeit genau stattfindet und wer eigentlich eingeladen ist. Im Stress der Vorbereitungen wurde der eine oder andere Name vergessen, der eigentlich auf der Gsteliste htte stehen mssen.
So kann die alte Schulfreundin Susi, die mittlerweile im Ausland lebt, leider nicht kommen, weil sie so kurzfristig keine Zeit hat, die Freunde vom Kegelverein haben sich den Tag nicht freigehalten, weil sie dachten, dass nur mit der Familie gefeiert wird und Tante Lisa ist beleidigt, weil sie - im Gegensatz zu Tante Hilde - nicht eingeladen wurde...
Bei der Hochzeit in der mittelalterlichen Burg fllt auf, dass sich einige Gste sehr unwohl fhlen - etwa die Hlfte der Gste ist in mittelalterlichen Kostmen erschienen, weil ihnen das Brautpaar vorher gesagt hat, dass die Hochzeit unter dem Motto "Mittelalter" steht.
Von den Gsten, die vor der Hochzeit nicht mehr mit dem Brautpaar gesprochen haben, stehen einige etwas verloren in Abendkleidern und Smokings herum, andere haben gerchteweise etwas von "Mottohochzeit" gehrt und sich in ihr lustigstes Hawaii-Strandoutfit geworfen.
Bei der romantischen Fackel-Nachtwanderung kann leider die Hlfte der Gste nicht mitkommen, weil sie keine passenden Schuhe dabei haben und die Damen mit ihren Stckelschuhen im Schlamm stecken bleiben.
Die Geschftsfhrerin des Hochzeitsportals weddix.de, Sylke Mann, bestrkt: "Dieses Beispiel zeigt sehr deutlich, dass die Kommunikation das A und O jeder Hochzeit ist. Es ist sehr wichtig genug Zeit einzuplanen, es kann ja immer etwas Unvorhergesehenes mit den bestellten Karten passieren und auch die Gste mssen gengend Zeit haben, sich den Abend freizuhalten, die passende Garderobe zusammenzusuchen und natrlich ein schnes Geschenk zu besorgen. Eine Einladungskarte muss unbedingt mit allen wichtigen Informationen versehen sein, damit die Gste genau wissen, was auf sie zukommt.
Da darf dann auch gerne eine detaillierte Kleiderordnung und Abendplanung mitgeteilt werden. Es wre auch sehr ratsam mindestens zwei Monate vorher die Einladungen rauszuschicken und auch dringend einen Vermerk ber eine kurze Antwort der Gste unten anzubringen. Wenn man sicher gehen will, dass der Termin mglichst vielen Gsten gut passt, kann man auch "Save the Date Karten" etwa sechs Monate im Voraus rausschicken."
Die Sitzordnung
Beate und Christian wollten eigentlich nur im kleinen Kreis feiern. Im Laufe der Vorbereitungen stellte sich zwar heraus, dass es doch 50 Hochzeitsgste werden wrden, aber eine Tischordnung hielt das Brautpaar trotzdem fr berflssig. Dies fhrt dazu, dass die Gste vor dem Essen eine halbe Stunde damit beschftigt sind, passende Pltze zu suchen.
Die Pltze neben dem Brautpaar bleiben zuerst lange leer: Die Eltern setzen sich zu den Verwandten, weil sie denken, das Brautpaar wnscht sich, dass die besten Freunde bei ihnen sitzen - und die Freunde haben sich lngst an einen anderen Tisch gesetzt, weil sie natrlich den Eltern nicht ihren Platz streitig machen wollen.
Tante Irma muss notgedrungen neben Tante Johanna sitzen, obwohl beide schon seit 20 Jahren verfeindet sind und einander ber alles hassen.Die Stimmung wird noch gesteigert durch Herrn Mller, der neben seiner Ex-Frau und ihrem neuen Lebensgefhrten sitzen muss.
Die Nachbarn des Brautpaars kennen auer dem Brautpaar niemanden auf der Hochzeit und so finden sie nur noch Platz an einem Tisch in der Nhe der Toilette. Auch der Pfarrer muss sich schlielich zu ihnen gesellen, da alle anderen Pltze schon besetzt sind.
Sylke Mann rt:"Die Tischordnung wird bei der Hochzeitsplanung als unwichtige Nebensache abgetan und oft vergessen. Doch lohnt es sich meistens sich die Mhe zu machen und einige Stunden in die Planung der Sitzordnung zu investieren. Es ist sehr schwierig alle Gste zu kombinieren und eine gute Stimmung auf der Hochzeitsfeier ist schlielich unbezahlbar."

Thursday 23 August 2012

Ein neues Kleid für die Wand

Wohntrends bei der Wandgestaltung: Die gute (alte) Tapete feiert in jüngster Zeit ein absolutes Comeback in Sachen Wohndesign. Ganze Designerscharen widmen sich der Verzierung der Wände und bringen von modern, elegant bis extrem avantgarde ein neues Wohngefühl in die 4 Wände. Ein grosser Trend bei Modefirmen ist es, neben Fashion für Mann und Frau auch gleich die passenden Wohnideen und Möbel zum Look und dann natürlich auch die dazu gehörenden Tapeten auf den Markt zu bringen (so zum Beispiel von Esprit). Der Gestaltungsvielfalt in Sachen „neue Kleider(kurze abiballkleider)“ für die Wand sind damit keine Grenzen gesetzt.

kurze abiballkleider
Im Trend liegt vor allem, nur eine Wand mit einer besonders auffallenden Tapete mit großem Muster zu verzieren, während die anderen Wände entweder dezent zurückhaltend in Weiss oder farblich abgestimmt auf die Tapeten in Uni gehalten werden. Sehr trendy sind derzeit luxuriös wirkende Tapeten mit Glamour Effekten in Gold und Silber oder Barockmotiven (zum Beispiel von Ulf Moritz). Für die junge Avantgarde steht da eher der Designer Lars Contzen, der ausgefallene Dekore in poppigen Farben entwickelt.

Wem Tapeten zu aufwändig sind, weil sie später wieder von der Wand herunter genommen werden müssen, der kann inzwischen auf eine unglaublich große Vielfalt an Wandtattoos oder fertigen Stickern zurückgreifen. In unterschiedlichen Dessins und Farben setzen sie ausgefallene Highlights zu den Lieblingsmöbelstücken. Total in sind vor allem florale Ornamente, die für Romantik-Look sorgen. Super schön, dafür aber auch etwas aufwändiger, ist das Aufmalen von Motiven mit speziellen Schablonen. Wer es gerne natürlich mag, der findet inzwischen auch Holzapplikationen (zum Beispiel von Beearo), die sich auf die Wand aufkleben lassen.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Cheap Prom Dresses – save for other things

The tips that are available for you today to locate your favorable cheap prom dresses have greatly influenced the market and this is remarkably important for any woman searching for greatness. To be able to successfully discover your outing needs, it does not take long before you actually achieve your specific objectives. A brand new offer will ultimately change you completely and give you better options on prom dresses 2012 which will enhance your dressing choices.

short prom dresses
Young females have found a lot of excitement in the prom night and this is greatly achieved by searching for cheap prom dresses for you. Ideally, this could be an important decision which will ensure that you thoughtful achieve your expectations and dreams while still being able to appear gorgeous and hugely beautiful. But of course, the process involved in searching a quality fabric is actually daunting. However, there is always a fortune for you and you can get a surprise package for yourself.

Just imagine how awesome it is to get yourself a quality cheap prom dress and still have some money left to enable you buy other accessories including shoes, jewelry and handbags for yourself.  Apart from that, you will still find a lot of remains for other things like manicure, high-end hair styling and many more. This is truly one relevance with your cheap prom dresses. Ideally, many women have found this to be a very flexible way of getting everything with a very little budget.

In the fundamental beginning be sure to check on the local retailers that provide some advertisements on special clearances or are carrying out final liquidation sales. Although you might not be 100% of the likeliness of getting the right prom dress, it equally pays a lot to check it out and you will get all that plus some good discount as well and in case you are thinking of buying bulky, then you will get a lot of discounted bonuses.

You can also get some of the best cheap prom dresses with the consignment or a second hand store. This will actually give you a perfect quality y that is obtained from several of the international donor agencies. This will amaze you because a number of these consignments have good quality dresses that would be just as new as any other prom dresses.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Wedding Dresses Are Available As Plus Size Wedding Dress

All of us want to have that perfect figure that looks stunning in a wedding gown. Few are that fortunate. Most of us have a few pounds extra here and there and some of us have more than a few pounds extra here and there. Hence, even though we want to, we cannot go for that form fitting and figure hugging wedding dresses for the fear that we would look weird. The good news is that the market offers an excellent collection in plus size wedding dress that can make the heaviest brides look nice and fit. A plus size wedding dress and wedding motif for 2012 can be bought at various price ranges – from the prohibitively expensive to cheap wedding dresses.

Many people frown at the word ‘cheap' because the moment they hear the word, they tend to think ‘inferior quality'. However, that is not the case. Cheap wedding dresses are dresses that come at a lower cost. While one can obviously go ahead and buy an expensive wedding dress that has a label attached to it, most others tend to manage their wedding cost by buying not so expensive stuff and limit their purchase to the lesser costly ones. Even in a plus size wedding dress collection, one can easily go for cheap wedding dresses.

Plus size clothing is not a new phenomenon in the market. This collection has now been up for sale for many years now. Any departmental store or garment outlet these days has a separate section for plus size outfits. Since wedding dresses are one of the highest and constantly selling items in the garment industry, it is no wonder that there are sections where you will find a variety in plus size wedding dress. When you browse through this section, you will also find these dresses in various price brackets. Depending on your budget, you can go for cheap wedding dresses or in any other price bracket.

If I am not the fittest person in the world and cannot fit into every piece of clothing available on the face of the earth, does that mean that I don't have the option of looking as beautiful as anyone else on what is probably the most special day in my life – my wedding day? The same question applies when I know that I cannot afford to spend a considerable amount on my wedding dress. I actually don't need to worry in both the cases. Plus size wedding dress is available in almost all wedding dress stores in the country and I can even get cheap wedding dresses easily in almost all these stores. Designer wedding dresses remain center of attraction for a limited time. And, when new designs and styles are introduced in the market the shop owners get rid of the not-so-popular ones by offering huge discounts. And, this is the best time to shop for your wedding dress.

Looking at their best during their wedding ceremony is the right of every person and that is why the garment manufacturers of the world have options where the not so affluent can buy cheap wedding dresses in various sizes. A plus size wedding dress available from different garment manufacturers has also increased the scope of people who are, well, plus sized. There is no dearth of options really.

Friday 17 August 2012

Homecoming Dress Styles in 2012

There must be many fantastic memories in your young age. In high school life or in college school, there are many homecoming festivals for girls and boys to take part in. On the special day, boys and girls can dress-up in different kinds of homecoming outfits which are stunning and gorgeous in outfits. That is a happy day. Being a teenager is one of the best phases of your life. What are the next season’s fashionable homecoming designs in 2012 will be the main topic from now on. This article is for girls. Boys who have girlfriends can pay attention to.
homecoming dresses
On the splendid day, students can wear beautiful prom homecoming dresses to show off their beauty, charm and allure. The winner will receive some awards, but the premise is that how you behave in the special day. So girls should search for some wonderful homecoming designs at first. One such occasion that is an important part of your college life is homecoming. So what you wear is really important. Choosing a perfect homecoming dress can be stressful to many girls, for you have to choose one can claim your nerves and establish a statement of your. And homecoming day is one splendid celebrity which is full of excitement for girls. Dressing up on the splendid say is a huge thing.

A short homecoming dress can flaunt your body shape perfectly. For some petite girls, the short gowns can show off your slimmer legs and make you look taller than usual. The one which is just above the ankle length will flaunt your perfect legs and body size. When we choose the right outfit, please don’t ignore the comfort it will bring for us. It is your most awaited night after all. It is once in a lifetime event and you should wear something which can make you feel comfortable when you are moving around in the crowd. You can choose a short homecoming dress in hot color will bring you some attention. Many teenagers love something warm. Be in modern, open, wild, sexy and sassy, you can never go wrong with a passionate red cocktail-length gown. Red is just like the fire which is full of energy and power and red is the representative of easy-going, out-speaking and passion. You will be adored by the boys if you wear the red homecoming dress to walk into the place.

To make the best selection always means you have to bear in mind that you have a clear idea about your body shape and gowns are in accordance with the theme of the events. Customize designer homecoming outwear are much more expensive than common ones. There are many cheap homecoming dresses stores in the boutiques and online shops. When you feel confident you will be happy and this inspiring moments will last forever in your mind.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Best price for prom dress online

Promenade or prom is a formal occasion for the high school students when they receive their honors. Both girls and boys take special care in dressing and make-up that day. These special prom dresses are an imperative ingredient in the celebration of this occasion. So, it is the dream of every girl to look best in their prom and choosing the dress can turn out to be a headache for them. They want the best dress at an affordable price.

Today, internet is your best resource while finding affordable prom dresses. Internet has seen exponential increase in visitors because of the cost effective options available within the pages of websites. The following article provides a few details on options to purchase an affordable one via internet. It is important to know what and where should be looked. If searched properly, you will get brand new dresses at discount prices.

Lots of websites have countless prom dresses in numerous styles and colors in their listings. You can get them at retail prices, as these websites get their dresses directly from the designers. The websites also have online stores where they sell used dresses, which are pretty affordable under 100 bucks. All you need to do is wait for some time until you find a dress of your choice in their listing.

Most women would be thinking of an elegant gorgeous dress at an affordable rate, and they could be helped out by innovative websites that facilitate an ample range of affordable and stylish prom and party dresses. Most of them offer a broad collection of cheap prom dress and party dress options at affordable prices.

While searching internet, a notable feature is that the websites show a wide range of dresses of various styles and prices from impressive to latest styles. Another impressive feature is their presentation with eloquent flowery styles with descriptive imagery elegant and content. The websites also facilitate a blog, where the highlights and discussions on various relevant topics are carried out.

While providing the opportunity to obtain products with ease, the websites also keep its visitors with new editions of the latest fashion products and constantly updated stock. Most importantly, there is no compromise in quality.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Are You Searching for Modest Prom Dresses 2012

Factors you should take into consideration to find your modest prom dress 2012


Always consider your body shape when you go attire shopping, as the right modest skirt can accent your assets and hide your flaws. Generally speaking, there are five basic modest silhouettes available including A-line, princess, empire, mermaid or trumpet, sheath or column. Make sure the pattern you are fond of can show off your most charming side.

prom dresses

color is another factor that plays an important role in your perfect appearance. While considering the color of your skirt, ensure your favorite shade can go well with your skin tone. For example, if you feature a fair complexion, the warm colors should be landed on the list of the best choice while the light shades are ideal choices for women with dusky skins.


initially, neckline styles for in modest prom gowns were restricted. However, today designers have come up with a variety of necklines to choose from such as strapless, sweetheart, one shoulder as well as halter. The question of a low neckline does not arise here, so you don't have to worry about whether or not you are showing too much skin. Pay attention to the choice of neckline as it also has a crucial effect on your charming look. For instance, it is suggested that you should opt for a neckline that will lengthen your torso and create a taller look if you are a petite girl. To the contrary, a stand neck is sure to flatter you well for tall ladies.

Personalize your prom wear According to Your Body Type

Women with apple shaped figures usually carries weight around her waist. She has boarder shoulders as compared to her hips. There is no doubt that the prom dresses patterns such as mermaid and sheath that hug the body are no ideal options. Oppositely, the empire waist A-line is specially designed for you as the high waist line can draw people's attention from the parts you are not proud of. When it comes to the appropriate colors, usually, warm colors disguise the flaws in an apple-shaped body type.

A slender upper body and large hip measurement is what defines a pear-shaped woman. When shopping, the key is to play your strengths like flaunting your fabulous arms. Versatile A-line is easy to become a favorite in the closet for ladies with such figure. Referring to colors, lighter shades would complement your figure and give you a more flattering look by highlighting your strengths.

Almost any style will look great on you if you feature perfect curves. It is worth noting that you had better stay away from the affordable prom gowns adorned with too many sequins which are likely to add to your weight.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

With lace wedding dress makes you beautiful and sexy

2012 Lace Wedding Dresses are hot. Pizzo is historically and traditionally, used but in recent years, basement, the tip is in a modern way. We see a lot of lace dresses that are voluptuous and superb. Designers use this material in a variety of wedding cakes, from the neck to the silhouette. Brides who wear lace wedding dresses look so superb and gracefully, without style. You can decorate some of the details of your wedding dress is lace, floral details is a good choice. I really think you can do more to femininity.

lace wedding dress
In addition, a part of the development Wedding Dresses 2012 in Chiffon. A few years ago, wedding invitations, we can see more women wear skirts or dresses in sheer on the road. Women are no exception. Chiffon wedding dresses are very popular in recent years, basement, perhaps because of their different traditional wedding dresses. There are chiffon is made ​​so easily and fluently. You look like a heavenly woman in the tale. Many women prefer wedding dresses in chiffon, because they will easily go into the marriage. For some brides who love the lace and muslin, additionally why not combine both? I'm sure garbage, it is glamorous with this kind of wedding dresses.

Spring is a good time to take a wedding party, because the weather is neither too cold nor too hot. As a bride-to-be should the selection of wedding dresses looked beautiful and really want to know something about 2012 new style wedding dresses.

For weddings this summer, many wedding dresses chiffon are probably the most popular because the lead and airy feeling swing. However, if you a true marriage and the sacred garden or church wedding to satisfy peak. decorated chest, waist, and the whole body is not only a top decoration of wedding dresses in lace, but the rule. If the curve is more attractive breasts, or divert the attention of only "half full lower body to basement neck or shoulder delicately elegant, fluid, or create a vision for the entire body, blouses, head of a fairy is surprising that no woman, the beauty and the imagination that creates to escape. Lace, when the tongue touches the teeth gently and say the word feel, paint the delicacy of this voluptuous and magical. Pizza is the woman that the butterfly is flourishing. Champion makes basement dramatic encounter. Pizza travel Roman to modern times, and never loses its elegance and royal dignity. Long ago, the fight's exclusive advanced material of the royal family, but today, girls, women, everyone can be beautiful and feminine with lace.

For dramatic features of the tip, even the cheap wedding dresses can be attractive from experienced tailors. With flouncing lace makes you beautiful and sexy, Lace Wedding Dress with long gloves makes you wise and placed women. And a lace veil make you pure and glorious

Wedding dresses for summer with peaks have different models. As many holes in the tip is, continue to remain fresh and appealing. With lace dress, it is certainly the most beautiful bride that no one can compete with your charm.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Best wedding dresses and bridal accessories on online stores!

With a wide variety and perfect wedding dresses, the idea of shopping online for a wedding is totally trouble free. One can bank upon such online stores as they make sure to make deliveries on time and also certify quality products to their customers. When it comes to professionalism, they are simply the best!

best wedding dress
Wedding is a special occasion and hence every bride strives hard to make this day as special as she can and so puts extra efforts to make herself look as glamorous as possible. The main ingredient for the bride to be is her wedding dress. Keeping in mind the requirements of the brides, many online stores have come up in recent past that cater to serve their clients with best wedding dresses at sensible prices. One can log in their websites and see the collection that they have and with easy navigation one can get to buy the best wedding dresses and bridal accessories with just a few clicks. There are plenty of beautiful bridal accessories that are available online. Essentially, they come in an extensive multiplicity of selections to fit every personality, as well as style of a wedding ceremony. Many of these online stores also sell bridesmaids dresses and have a wide variety offer in the same category.

Providers of wedding dresses offers a cautiously selected compilation of reasonable Wedding Dresses Online, wedding bridesmaid dresses, bridal trimmings, wedding ring pillows and much more. Each item is brilliantly made as they intend to provide a service second to none; all backed up with their money back warranty.

Dresses for wedding are customized with caution and the service providers of such dresses make sure to offer a variety of choices to their possible customers with assistance and support in helping them choose the best outfit for the wedding. The dresses provided by these specialized service providers are bound to make a bride look beautiful and fashionable. The online service providers aim to give great service, excellence and value together with a pleasurable shopping experience.

While shopping online for wedding dress one needs to carefully pick up the size so that the basic problem of size is eliminated. To guarantee the accurate size of dress, you should assess yourself and then measure yourself again to be certain. Check the website for sizing information and the precise measurements of the dress. If in doubt go for somewhat bigger and always make sure that your dress is delivered in time for it to be fitted by a neighboring seamstress.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Beautiful And Sөxy Wedding Dress

The wedding day is to serve an important day for every woman, beauty, and therefore distinctive wedding style wedding dresses very appropriate for them. A dress with tight bodice and fishtail skirt type would be a good choice for brides that the curves are flatter your figure sexy as possible.

A wedding dreѕs іs siren probablү want more considered by womөn whο thөir cυrves show. This teddy cυt tһe winding body from head to Ьottom. A siren knoωn trumpөt is also true as a wedding dress online іn shөath starts from the shoulders to aboνe eithөr οr slightly below the knee, which οut рoint ωill flaгe with a wide skirt. Compare Sucһ а dramatic for married whο eхudes confidence and sexy bіg bө alѕo daү heг. Whatөver likeѕ as a party wedding dresses to ask how bodү а thin, but married with large breasts can also lοok thіs сut otһer always good аs аre аdded characteristics of this style.

You fulleг haνe Figure а is the commission or side angles thin underwear mermaid wedding dresses аre very imperative. As the Evening Sun siren сlose are tο your skin, a bad cаn underwear, beautiful wedding dress and sөxy a total disaster. Click sυre thаt ωearing if you need any support underwear, which are well established and do not bind or pinch. A іs sliр ѕtyle aѕ necessarily in that all briefs must hіde tһat lіnes could show through.

Last witһ shops are so different, where you can buy wedding dresses can be online, you surө rөsearch somө сan with options can be found bөst yoυ, ωith some rөsearch. But we can get somө wedding dresses in affordable aгe moѕt important.

Changeful wedding dress you must feel tired, but as a bride going into the wedding you should wear it a lot. Classical in Europe this year with a dream wedding trend lines, exquisite fabrics and unique bridal skirt style can significantly improve the inherent qualities. As if the Queen of the castle.

Sun beams the roar of the steel city, the bride dressed in luxurious wedding dress toward the marriage hall, watch the delicate lace embroidery, gorgeous long tail .the continuation of the romantic, happy to go on.

Romantic Princess model wedding dresses  , crafted design makes front chest, as the atmosphere is more fashion.

Retro-style dish made ​​with the bride and the necklace, hat with, more medieval aristocratic elegance bride .